Top "Ivy" questions

Apache Ivy is a subproject of Ant to simplify dependency management.

Echoing out ant fileset to screen for Debugging

I have this: <ivy:buildlist reference="build-path"> <fileset dir="${root.dir}"> <include name="*/build.xml" /&…

java ant ivy
How to exclude commons logging dependency of spring with ivy?

I have a project build with ant using ivy for dependency management. I have no ivysetting file, but an ivy.…

dependencies slf4j ivy apache-commons-logging
How to tell Ivy to put downloaded jars in a custom directory?

I'm a total newbie with Ivy, and have been trying it out very simply, for fetching commonly used libraries such …

ant ivy
How does Archiva compare to Nexus?

There are a few similar questions already, but most are either focused on Nexus vs. Artifactory, or are a few …

java maven ivy nexus archiva
Understanding the Eclipse classpath declarations

I'm trying to understand the Eclipse classpath file, in particular, I want to know this: How is the JRE using …

java eclipse ant classpath ivy
Setting up projects with IvyDE

Are there any good sample projects with IvyDE or tutorials on setting up projects with IvyDE in Eclipse?

eclipse ivy ivyde
How to search public Maven/Ivy repositories for a particular class?

There are web sites like letting to search for an "artifact" and giving a definition I can …

maven ivy
Can Gradle handle a build directory structure that does not conform default conventions?

I am working on a java ant+ivy based project that has the following directory structure: projectRoot/src projectRoot/classes …

java maven ant ivy gradle
what is ivy? and how it is related to ant?

I have seen many ivy files in my application's build projects. What is Ivy, and its relation with ant?

java ant ivy
sample example which explain how to use filesystem resolver

Can anyone explain me how to use filesystem resolver in Ivy with sample by considering.. I have ivy.xml file …
