Top "Apache-commons-logging" questions

Apache Commons Logging is a logging facade for the Java programming language.

How to fix ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory?

When i run the app it getting exception Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory …

java apache-commons-logging
How to disable loggers of a class or of whole package?

I am using Apache Commons Logging ™. For now I wanted to use SimpleLog implementation, but when I changed the level, …

java apache-commons-logging
What is the significance of log4j.rootLogger property in file? What happens if i don't use this property?

What is the significance of log4j.rootLogger property in file? What happens if I don't use …

java logging log4j apache-commons-logging
Write log file using org.apache.commons.logging

I'm writing an application where I need to write log to a file using org.apache.commons.logging library, but …

java apache-commons-logging
How to disable Spring logging DEBUG messages?

I'm working on a simple desktop app (not webapp). Here is my log4j.rootCategory=INFO, stdout …

java spring log4j slf4j apache-commons-logging
Maven build [WARNING] we have a duplicate class

Anybody has any idea what happened to my maven build? I am getting a lot of duplicate warnings. [WARNING] We …

maven build maven-shade-plugin apache-commons-logging
Whats the root cause of Log4JLogger' cannot be found or is not useable?

I have commons-logging.jar (v1.0.4) and log4j-1.2.8.jar in the classpath and getting following run-time error: Caused by: org.…

java log4j apache-commons-logging
How do I set up commons-logging to use logback?

We use slf4j + logback, and happened to have some third-party libraries which use commons-logging. How do I set it …

java logging logback apache-commons-logging
Adjust Logging level for apache commons logging?

I have a simple console app which uses apache's PDFBox library, which in turn uses commons logging. I'm getting a …

java java.util.logging apache-commons-logging
How to use log4j 2.0 and slf4j and Commons Logging together

I currently am starting a new Webapp (running on tomcat 6) I have components using slf4j and components using commons …

java logging slf4j apache-commons-logging log4j2