Top "Maven-shade-plugin" questions

This plugin provides the capability to package the artifact in an uber-jar, including its dependencies and to shade - i.e. rename or remove - the packages of some of the dependencies.

What is the maven-shade-plugin used for, and why would you want to relocate Java packages?

I found the maven-shade-plugin being used in someone's pom.xml. I've never used maven-shade-plugin before (and I'm a Maven n00…

java maven jar maven-shade-plugin
Maven can't compile java 1.8

I'm trying to use maven to build a jar but I keep getting the error ERROR] Failed to execute goal …

maven maven-assembly-plugin maven-shade-plugin
Spring Circular placeholder reference while running an executable jar

I'm facing "Circular Placeholder reference" exception while trying to run an executable jar file. Here's the detailed exception. org.springframework.…

java spring maven maven-shade-plugin
How to create spring-based executable jar with maven?

I have a Maven based Spring-WS client project that I want to package as a single jar. In eclipse, everything …

java spring maven spring-ws maven-shade-plugin
Maven build [WARNING] we have a duplicate class

Anybody has any idea what happened to my maven build? I am getting a lot of duplicate warnings. [WARNING] We …

maven build maven-shade-plugin apache-commons-logging
What is the purpose of dependency-reduced-pom.xml generated by the shade plugin?

I read over the docs and didn't find anything that talks about what it's used for.

java maven maven-shade-plugin
Maven shade plugin adding dependency-reduced-pom.xml to base directory

The maven shade plugin is creating a file called dependency-reduced-pom.xml and also artifactname-shaded.jar and placing them in the …

java maven maven-shade-plugin
Invalid or corrupt JAR File built by Maven shade plugin

After adding the Maven jFree dependency to my existing application, I'm not able to execute the created jar. The only …

java maven jfreechart maven-shade-plugin
Log4j2 configuration not found when running standalone application built by shade plugin

I have application which when I run from maven log4j2 it is working: mvn exec:java -Dexec.args=... but …

java log4j2 maven-shade-plugin
What is a shaded jar? And what is the difference/similarities between uber jar and shaded jar?

Can you please help explain what is a shaded jar and how is the maven-shade-plugin useful? Also what is an …

java maven maven-shade-plugin