Top "Jfreechart" questions

JFreeChart is a free Java chart library with many available chart types and support for numerous output types.

Can't find bundle for base name

I'm using a library that has a dependency on jfreechart (v 1.0.9). When I try to run the .jar, I get: …

java jfreechart
Setting Range for X,Y Axis-JfreeChart

Any suggestions over how to set Range for X-Axis and Y-Axis. My "X-Axis" Range is from "0.00 to 1.00" with difference of "0.05". …

java jfreechart
Using JFreeChart to display recent changes in a time series

How can I use JFreeChart to display just the most recent data in a continually updated time series? Addenda: A …

java dynamic jfreechart time-series
Add a JFreeChart in to JPanel

if i have a my Jpanel and a my JFreeChart. How can I add this Chart in to the JPanel? …

java swing user-interface jpanel jfreechart
How can I update a JFreeChart's appearance after it's been made visible?

How can I use JFreeChart to dynamically update a chart's appearance after it's been made visible?

java swing dynamic jfreechart
Real-time graphing in Java

I have an application which updates a variable about between 5 to 50 times a second and I am looking for some …

java graph real-time jfreechart
Changing the shapes of points in scatter plot

I have thousands of points to Plot on a JFreeChart scatter plot. The problem right now is that my program …

java jfreechart
Width of the bar in Jfreechart

Is there a way to adjust the width of the bars in a Barchart? I create my chart with the …

java jfreechart bar-chart
Jfreechart - Refresh a chart according to changing data

I would like to know how to refresh a chart if we want to change "in live" some piece of …

java refresh jfreechart
Invalid or corrupt JAR File built by Maven shade plugin

After adding the Maven jFree dependency to my existing application, I'm not able to execute the created jar. The only …

java maven jfreechart maven-shade-plugin