Top "Ivy" questions

Apache Ivy is a subproject of Ant to simplify dependency management.

Maven or Ivy? Which one is better with a system already in production? And the other differences?

I know that this is a complicated question, but I would like know which one is better in the case …

java maven ant development-environment ivy
Use public maven repository with ivy

I have an ivy.xml containing <dependencies> <dependency org="commons-lang" name="commons-lang" rev="2.4"/> <dependency org="…

maven-2 artifactory ivy
How to configure Ivy for Ant build

I currently have ANT_HOME located at /home/<myuser>/ant/1.8.4/ant-1.8.4. I just downloaded the Apache Ivy tarball …

java ant ivy build.xml taskdef
Unresolved dependency SBT 0.13.0 after update

Update SBT to 0.13.0: I have a couple of projects written with Scala 2.10.2 and build with sbt 0.12.4. As my OS is …

scala configuration build sbt ivy
Proxy settings with ivy

I have an issue where in I have defined dependancies in ivy.xml on our internal corporate svn. I am …

ant proxy ivy
How to override the location of Ivy's Cache?

I am using Ivy as part of my continuous integration build system, but I need to override the default location …

java ivy
Trouble getting Hibernate Core and Hibernate Annotations using Apache Ivy (but it's also Maven2 related.)

It's a long one! ;-) There are a lot of copy pasted text in this question which makes it look …

java hibernate maven-2 annotations ivy
Ivy: how do I remove transitive dependencies?

I'm using Ivy to manage the dependencies on my project. So far, I've specified a dependency on Hibernate and servlet-api. …

ant dependencies ivy
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.OneToMany.orphanRemoval()Z

I am getting this error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.persistence.OneToMany.orphanRemoval()Z These are the jars in my classpath: …

java maven ivy hibernate-search
How does ivy:publish work?

I'm completely at loss how the ant task ivy:publish is supposed to work. I would expect that I do …

java ant build-process build-automation ivy