Top "Ivy" questions

Apache Ivy is a subproject of Ant to simplify dependency management.

Find hidden dependencies in Ivy

I'm using Apache Ivy + IvyDE for getting my project's dependencies, which are: <dependency org="" name="guava" …

java log4j ivy dependency-management
Resolving Apache Ivy dependencies when offline/disconnected?

How can I get Ivy to resolve dependencies (including dependencies with changing="true") from the local cache when offline/disconnected? …

java ant ivy
IllegalStateException: impossible to get artifacts when data has not been loaded for Guava 12.0?

In a Java Play 2.1.1 app I get the following error: [myproject] $ update [info] Updating {file:/C:/path/myproject/}myproject... [info] …

sbt ivy playframework-2.1
ivysettings.xml: add local maven path

How to add a local path (not URL) to ivysettings.xml? I need to add my Maven local repository (/Users/…

java maven ivy
Ivy via Nexus proxy

does anyone knows how do I specify in Ivy something like mirror/mirrorOf in Maven? I'm working with a local …

proxy ivy nexus
Unable to add jar file to .ivy cache manually

I am trying to manually add lucene jar file to my local ivy repository. I have other apache jars so …

dependencies ivy
How to create an Ivy dependency for local jars inside your project/lib?

I have a couple of jar files, (some of which depend on each other), and I'm trying to have ivy …

ant jar project dependencies ivy
How to attach sources to SBT managed dependencies in Scala IDE?

I'm using Scala IDE 2.0.1 and SBT 0.11.2 to start with Akka 2.0.1. My build.sbt looks like this: name := "akka" version := "0.1" scalaVersion := "2.9.2" …

scala sbt ivy scala-ide ivyde
waiting for lock on .ivy2

I am using activator for cloning a project. I made eclipse.sbt to prepare project to import to Eclipse. after …

sbt ivy typesafe-activator
Error with target in building by build.xml

I have opened a project which has build.xml and ivy.xml in eclipse env. after I applied Run As..&…

java eclipse ant ivy antbuilder