Top "Dependency-management" questions

The management of dependencies, for example third party libraries, that are used by a software project.

Android Studio: Add jar as library?

I'm trying to use the new Android Studio but I can't seem to get it working correctly. I'm using the …

android gradle android-gradle-plugin gson dependency-management
How to add local .jar file dependency to build.gradle file?

So I have tried to add my local .jar file dependency to my build.gradle file: apply plugin: 'java' sourceSets { …

java gradle dependency-management build.gradle gradle-eclipse
Javascript require() function giving ReferenceError: require is not defined

Basically, I am using javascript to scrape data from Google Play store using: 1-Request 2-Cheerios 3-QueryString I used Google Market …

javascript dependency-management node-modules
What's the difference between implementation and compile in Gradle?

After updating to Android Studio 3.0 and creating a new project, I noticed that in build.gradle there is a new …

gradle build.gradle dependency-management gradle-plugin transitive-dependency
What exactly is a Maven Snapshot and why do we need it?

I am a bit confused about the meaning of a Maven Snapshot and why we build one?

java maven dependency-management
How to install a specific version of package using Composer?

I am trying to install a specific version of a package using Composer. I tried composer install and composer require …

php composer-php dependency-management
How do I add a Maven dependency in Eclipse?

I don't know how to use Maven at all. I've been developing for a couple years with Eclipse and haven't …

java eclipse maven dependency-management
Differences between dependencyManagement and dependencies in Maven

What is the difference between dependencyManagement and dependencies? I have seen the docs at Apache Maven web site. It seems …

maven pom.xml dependency-management
Force re-download of release dependency using Maven

I'm working on a project with dependency X. X, in turn, depends on Y. I used to explicitly include Y …

maven-2 maven dependency-management maven-dependency-plugin
How to clear cache in Yarn?

I am doing some benchmark tests for Facebook's Yarn. For this, I need to clear my global Yarn cache. Is …

javascript npm dependency-management yarnpkg