Error with target in building by build.xml

BlueGirl picture BlueGirl · Oct 5, 2014 · Viewed 8.6k times · Source

I have opened a project which has build.xml and ivy.xml in eclipse env. after I applied Run As..>Ant Built by right click build.xml, I faced this error:

Target "retrieve" does not exist in the project "aaa". It is used from target "compile".

my build.xml file:

<project name="WOE" default="build">

    <!--<import file="../build/ivy-targets.xml"/>-->

    <property name="dir.base" location="."/>
    <!--<property name="dir.repos" location="${dir.base}/../repository/modules"/>-->
    <property name="dir.src" location="${dir.base}/src/java"/>
    <property name="dir.lib" location="${dir.base}/src/lib"/>
    <property name="dir.ivy.lib" location="${dir.base}/lib"/>
    <property name="" location="${dir.base}/build"/>
    <property name="dir.classes" location="${}/classes"/>
    <property name="module.jar" location="${}/WOEParse.jar"/>

    <property name="dir.doc" location="${dir.base}/doc"/>
    <property name="dir.javadoc" location="${dir.doc}/api"/>

    <path id="classpath">
        <fileset dir="${dir.lib}" includes="*.jar"/>
        <fileset dir="${dir.ivy.lib}/default" includes="*.jar"/>
        <!--<pathelement path="${dir.repos}/edu.stanford/BaselineNLProcessor/521/jars/baseline-nlprocessor-2010-06-22-521.jar" />-->

    <path id="run.classpath">
        <path refid="classpath"/>
        <pathelement location="${module.jar}"/>

    <target name="clean" description="Deletes artifacts produced by build">
        <delete dir="${}"/>
        <delete dir="${dir.javadoc}"/>
        <delete dir="${dir.ivy.lib}"/>

     <target name="compile" depends="retrieve" description="Compiles source code">
        <mkdir dir="${dir.classes}"/>
        <javac destdir="${dir.classes}"
            <classpath refid="classpath"/>
            <src path="${dir.src}"/>


    <target name="build" depends="compile" description="Builds module JAR file">
        <jar jarfile="${module.jar}">
            <fileset dir="${dir.classes}" includes="**/*.class"/>
                <attribute name="Built-By" value="${}"/>

    <target name="run" depends="build" description="Processes a simple example file">
        <java classname="edu.washington.cs.woe.WOEParse" fork="true" failonerror="true">
            <jvmarg value="-Xmx1G"/>
            <classpath refid="run.classpath"/>
            <arg line="-inFile ./light-config/data/testSentenceFile -cfDir ./light-config/"/>

    <target name="javadoc" description="Builds javadoc html files for this source code">
        <mkdir dir="${dir.javadoc}"/>
        <javadoc classpathref="classpath" destdir="${dir.javadoc}" sourcepath="${dir.src}">
            <packageset dir="${dir.src}" defaultexcludes="yes">


The error is occurred in this part:

enter image description here

I changed it to

<target name="compile"  description="Compiles source code">

but it shows another error:

Buildfile: D:\eclipse workspace\WOE\build.xml
    [mkdir] Created dir: D:\eclipse workspace\WOE\build\classes
    [javac] D:\eclipse workspace\WOE\build.xml:38: warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
    [javac] Compiling 42 source files to D:\eclipse workspace\WOE\build\classes

D:\eclipse workspace\WOE\build.xml:38: D:\eclipse workspace\WOE\lib\default does not exist.

Total time: 328 milliseconds

What should I do? Is there any problem with eclipse env?(I dont have any ant plugin or etc. in Eclipse env), if so, which plugin should I use in eclipse to maybe properly open such projects?

Please help me. Thanks


xuesheng picture xuesheng · Oct 5, 2014

The error is here:

 <target name="compile" depends="retrieve"

Either declare target with the name 'retrieve' or remove the dependency.