I'm trying to access a Nexus repository manager which requires some basic authentication. Everything works fine from Maven2 but when I try to configure things in SBT it can't find the artifacts. It is using a custom repository pattern (see this related question) but I don't think that should matter. In any case the relevant configuration is here.
val snapshotsName = "Repository Snapshots"
val snapshotsUrl = new java.net.URL("http://nexusHostIp:8081/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots")
val snapshotsPattern = "[organisation]/[module]/[revision]-SNAPSHOT/[artifact]-[revision](-[timestamp]).[ext]"
val snapshots = Resolver.url(snapshotsName, snapshotsUrl)(Patterns(snapshotsPattern))
Credentials(Path.userHome / ".ivy2" / ".credentials", log)
val dep = "group" % "artifact" % "0.0.1" extra("timestamp" -> "20101202.195418-3")
realm=Snapshots Nexus
According to a similar discussion in the SBT user group this should work fine but I am getting the following when I try to build.
==== Repository Snapshots: tried
[warn] -- artifact group#artifact;0.0.1!artifact.jar:
[warn] http://nexusHostIp:8081/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots/group/artifact/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/artifact-0.0.1-20101202.195418-3.jar
I'm fairly certain this is a credentials problem and not something else because I can hit the URL it says it is trying directly and download the jar (after authenticating).
I have also tried declaring the credentials inline (even though it is less than ideal) like so:
Credentials.add("Repository Snapshots", "nexusHostIp", "nexususername", "nexuspassword")
Here's what I did (sbt 0.13 + artifactory - setup should be similar for nexus):
1) Edited the file ~/.sbt/repositories as specified here: http://www.scala-sbt.org/0.13.0/docs/Detailed-Topics/Proxy-Repositories.html
my-ivy-proxy-releases: http://repo.company.com/ivy-releases/, [organization]/[module]/(scala_[scalaVersion]/)(sbt_[sbtVersion]/)[revision]/[type]s/[artifact](-[classifier]).[ext]
my-maven-proxy-releases: http://repo.company.com/maven-releases/
2) Locked down my artifactory to disable anonymous access.
3) Created a credentials file in ~/.sbt/.credentials
realm=Artifactory Realm
4) Created a file under ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins/credentials.sbt that wires up the default credentials
credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".sbt" / ".credentials")
Now when my project loads sbt hits artifactory like normal.
The reason I did it this way is to keep the repository definitions, etc, out of the project files to enable teams to have flexibility (they can set up an internal server to serve in-progress artifacts, etc).