Top "Ios9" questions

iOS 9 is the ninth version of Apple's iOS mobile operating system.

What is the impact of the "Requires full screen" option in Xcode for an iPhone-only app?

For an iPad-only app or a universal app, the "Requires full screen" option tells Xcode/iOS whether the app supports …

ios iphone xcode ios9 xcode7
Setting NSAllowsArbitraryLoads in iOS 9 - Will Apple reject the app?

I suddenly get a message on iOS 9 : The resource could not be loaded because the App Transport Security policy requires …

ios ios9 info.plist
"This app is not allowed to query for scheme cydia" IOS9 error

I have an app where I hit a HTTP Request <NSURLConnection: 0x12d755110> { request: <NSMutableURLRequest: 0x12d754…

ios ios9 url-scheme app-transport-security
Xcode UI Testing - typing text with typeText() method and autocorrection

I've got a test like below: let navnTextField = app.textFields["First Name"] let name = "Henrik" navnTextField.tap() navnTextField.typeText("Henrik") …

uitextfield ios9 xctest xcode-ui-testing
.dylib file is missing

I am trying to compile my project in iOS 9. I am using XCode7. Here is how it looks like: error: /…

ios xcode ios9 dylib
Xcode 8: how to change targeted device family

I developed an app for iOS 9/10 for iphone devices but my client would like to present and show it first …

ios xcode ios9 ios10 xcode8
setStatusBarHidden(_:withAnimation:) deprecated in iOS 9

I see that in iOS 9 setStatusBarHidden(_:withAnimation:) is now deprecated and the documentation says to use [UIViewController prefersStatusBarHidden] instead but …

ios swift ios9 statusbar
Detect if app is running in Slide Over or Split View mode in iOS 9

In iOS 9, is it possible to detect when an app is running in iOS 9's Slide Over or Split View …

ios ipad multitasking ios9
How to open URL schemes from Safari in iOS9?

I was able to open apps from safari this way: window.location = 'myapp://do/xx'; or open facebook app: window.…

ios xcode url-scheme ios9 xcode7-beta3
Can UIStackView also be used within a UITableViewCell?

Can UIStackView be used to resize, reposition, or collapse views within a UITableViewCell?

ios uitableview autolayout ios9 uistackview