I was able to open apps from safari this way:
window.location = 'myapp://do/xx';
or open facebook app:
window.location = 'fb://';
But this stopped working in iOS9.
How can I open apps using URL schemes in safari?
IOS 9 URL Shchemes Update : iOS 9 introduces LSApplicationQueriesSchemes to allow apps to query if other apps are installed.
1- If a url scheme is declared and calling canOpenURL(scheme)
YES if a installed app supports that URL scheme
NO if no app supporting that url
syslog will show canOpenURL: failed for URL: "urlScheme://" - error: null
2- If a url scheme is not declared and calling canOpenURL(scheme)
always return NO
syslog will show canOpenURL: failed for URL: "urlScheme://" - error: null
In iOS 9, the developer must add these info.plist LSApplicationQueriesSchemes
50 max. unqiue URL scheme can be declared!