Top "Ios9" questions

iOS 9 is the ninth version of Apple's iOS mobile operating system.

How to use new San Francisco font in iOS 9?

Before iOS 9 to reference fonts we used fontWithName of UIFont: [UIFont fontWithName:@"HelveticaNeue" size:18] Now we're moving to iOS 9. How …

ios fonts ios9
How can I create UIStackView with variable spacing between views?

I have a simple horizontal UIStackView with several UIViews stacked inside. My goal is to create variable spacing between views. …

ios9 ios-autolayout uistackview
Core Data - Failed to load optimized model at path

I'm getting some of these prints in my console while running my application from Xcode 6 in my iPhone 6 with iOS 9 …

ios objective-c xcode core-data ios9
Find first element matching condition in Swift array (e.g. EKSource)

I would like to find the first EKSource of type EKSourceType.Local with a "single"-line expression in Swift. Here …

ios swift swift2 ios9 eventkit
allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates in CLLocationManager in iOS9

I'm using CoreLocation framework in my app in Xcode7(pre-released),and I noticed that there is a newly added property …

ios ios9 core-location cllocationmanager
iOS 9 UITableView separators insets (significant left margin)

I have a problem with separators between UITableViewCells in UITableView on iOS 9. They have the significant left margin. I already …

ios uitableview uikit xcode7 ios9
Alternative to UIAlertView for iOS 9?

UAlertView is deprecated in iOS 9 and later. What would be an alternative? UIAlertView *new = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Success" message:@"Your …

ios objective-c ios9 uialertview uialertcontroller
setStatusBarHidden is deprecated in iOS 9.0

I am upgrading my code from iOS 8 to iOS 9. I have a code snippet in my program [[UIApplication applicationName] setStatusBarHidden:…

objective-c ios9
IOS 9 Error Domain=kCLErrorDomain Code=0 "(null)"

Code below should get current location. But above error is generated. Function didUpdateLocations never gets called. Running this on a …

iphone cllocationmanager ios9
Is it possible to opt your iPad app out of multitasking on iOS 9

I have a large app that I will need some time to optimize for iOS9. Edit: What I am worried …

ios xcode ipad ios9 multitasking