Top "Interface-builder" questions

Interface Builder is a visual design tool used to create user interfaces for Apple's macOS and iOS platforms.

How do I enter RGB values into Interface Builder?

How can I enter RGB or Hex color values for backgrounds in Interface Builder? I can select predefined colors but …

iphone cocoa-touch xcode user-interface interface-builder
Is there a way to change the height of a UIToolbar?

I've got an UIToolbar in Interface Builder and I've noticed that it's locked to being 44px tall. Of course I'd …

iphone xcode interface-builder uitoolbar
UISplitViewController in portrait on iPhone shows detail VC instead of master

I am using a Universal Storyboard in Xcode 6, targeting iOS 7 and above. I've implemented a UISplitViewController which is now natively …

ios interface-builder ios8 uisplitviewcontroller master-detail
Change character spacing on UILabel within Interface Builder

Is there anyway to change the character spacing (track) on UILabel text using Interface Builder? If not, is there a …

ios swift uilabel interface-builder
Remove autolayout (constraints) in Interface Builder

I'm trying to make my project compatible with Snow Leopard and I am not able to remove the autolayout in …

xcode macos cocoa interface-builder osx-snow-leopard
AutoLayout to keep view sizes proportional

I'm trying to achieve the following: I have 2 views in my xib that need to stay 20 pixels off the edge (…

ios interface-builder ios6 autolayout nslayoutconstraint
How to add an "entry point arrow" to a tab bar controller?

In Xcode 6.2 beta, I am able to make some view controllers such as "View Controller" or "Navigation view controller" the …

ios xcode interface-builder
how to make UILabel autosize text in storyboard (or interface builder), NOT programmatically

Every time I click-and-drag a UILabel to storyboard, and then add text to Text field, the text is cut off, …

iphone ios xcode interface-builder xcode-storyboard
Xcode 9 - "Fixed Width Constraints May Cause Clipping" and Other Localization Warnings

I downloaded the new Xcode and in Interface Builder I'm having a ton of problems with warnings that say things …

ios localization interface-builder xcode9-beta
How to enter unicode characters in a UILabel in Interface Builder?

I would like to display a unicode character (the speaker symbol U+1F50A) in label. Is it possible to …

iphone ios unicode utf-8 interface-builder