Top "Interface-builder" questions

Interface Builder is a visual design tool used to create user interfaces for Apple's macOS and iOS platforms.

Creating a percentage based iOS layout

I'm trying to replicate a layout that I currently have in an Android application, but I don't know how to …

ios interface-builder iphone-5
Why is UICollectionViewCell's outlet nil?

I have created a custom UICollectionViewCell in Interface Builder, binded views on it to the class, and then when I …

ios swift interface-builder ios8 uicollectionviewcell
Is there a way for Interface Builder to render IBDesignable views which don't override drawRect:

I very rarely override drawRect in my UIView subclasses, usually preferring to set layer.contents with pre-rendering images and often …

objective-c xcode swift interface-builder
Failed to render instance of IB Designables

I have an Objective-C and Swift mixed dynamic framework. And the mixed framework was linked with two pure Objective-C dynamic …

objective-c xcode swift interface-builder ibdesignable
No Round Rect Button in Xcode 5?

Is drag and drop of round rect button no longer available in Xcode 5? I can't seem to find it in …

ios uibutton interface-builder ios7 xcode5
Xcode Interface Builder - "correct" way to delete/rename miswired IBoutlets / IBactions

I am new to Xcode, working through Swift, so I'm not sure if what I am decribing is actually a …

xcode interface-builder iboutlet
Reuse a uiview xib in storyboard

I typically like to create and design my uiviews in interface builder. Sometimes I need to create a single view …

uiview autolayout interface-builder uistoryboard xib
@IBDesignable crashing agent

When I write my own UIButton-extended class and make it @IBDesignable, I receive two errors in Interface Builder, namely: Main.…

ios xcode swift interface-builder
How to make UITextView "Done" button resignFirstResponder?

I am trying to make my editable UITextView resign the keyboard (resignFirstResponder) when the user taps "Done." Using a UITextField, …

iphone interface-builder ios uitextview iboutlet