Top "Interface-builder" questions

Interface Builder is a visual design tool used to create user interfaces for Apple's macOS and iOS platforms.

Xcode 10, where are the UI elements?

Have been out of Swift coding for almost a year, I'm back. Download Xcode 10 beta. Have I lost my mind? …

xcode interface-builder uistoryboard xcode10
Can't resize UIView in IB

Probably something simple, but I can't figure why I cannot resize a UIView in a xib in Interface Builder. I …

iphone xcode interface-builder
How to embed a custom view xib in a storyboard scene?

I'm relatively new in the XCode/iOS world; I've done some decent sized storyboard based apps, but I didn't ever …

ios objective-c xcode interface-builder uistoryboard
Image not showing in UIImageView in Interface Builder / iPhone

I have a UIView with an UIImageView dragged onto the view. All of a sudden, for all my xibs, the …

iphone xcode interface-builder uiimageview
How do I create a constraints based view that resizes between iPhone 5 and iPhone 4 comparable to Anchor operation?

The sort of classic Springs and Struts, aka "Anchor and Align", or "Autosizing masks" is the only sort of resize-management …

xcode interface-builder nslayoutconstraint
Custom table view cell: IBOutlet label is nil

Consider the following simple view controller: class ViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource { @IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView! var items = ["One", "Two", "Three"] …

ios uitableview swift interface-builder
Loading custom UIView from nib, all subviews contained in nib are nil?

I have a custom UIView object with a nib that defines the view/subview layout. My outlets are connected, and …

iphone ios uiview interface-builder nib
IB Designables: Failed to render and update auto layout status

I have a custom view (xib) that has a UIButton inside of it, I made id IBDesignable doing the following: …

ios swift xcode interface-builder ibdesignable
How to change UIPageControl dots

I've seen apps (e.g. meebo) that have different indicators on UIPageControls instead of the default white circles. is there …

iphone objective-c interface-builder uipagecontrol
What are the benefits of using Storyboards instead of xib files in iOS programming?

What are the main differences between using Storyboards and xib files. Specifically, what are the advantages or disadvantages of using …

ios xcode storyboard interface-builder xib