Top "Interface-builder" questions

Interface Builder is a visual design tool used to create user interfaces for Apple's macOS and iOS platforms.

UITextField "value changed" not firing when field is updated

I have an IBAction that I have connected to a UITextField element in Interface Builder. (Firing on "value changed" event) …

objective-c ios cocoa-touch interface-builder
How to make xib compatible with both iphone 5 and iphone 4 devices

I am trying to layout my xib so that layout fits in both iphone 5 (4 inches retina) and 3.5 devices. Because I …

iphone xcode interface-builder
Can I use setFrame and autolayout on the same view?

I want to add padding to all of my buttons, so I subclassed UIButton, and among other changes, I wanted …

iphone cocoa-touch interface-builder frame autolayout
Add spacing constraint to superview in Xcode 5

I am building an iOS app in Xcode 5, and I'm having trouble adding layout constraints. In Xcode 4.x, I could …

ios xcode interface-builder autolayout xcode5
Alternative iOS layouts for portrait and landscape using just one .xib file

Using interface builder in xcode and just one .xib file, how can I create alternate layouts when rotating between landscape …

ios xcode interface-builder xib screen-orientation
How to connect storyboard to viewcontroller

In the new xcode 5 how do in interface builder you use to have a drop down menu there to connect …

interface-builder ios7 xcode5
Is there a way to make gradient background color in the interface builder?

For my application I'm using a TableView and using customized UITableViewCells. I customized my cells via interface builder, not programmatically. …

ios uitableview interface-builder
"Width equals height" constraint in Interface Builder

I can't find a way to create a 'square' constraint, meaning 'width equals height' in Interface Builder. I guess it's …

ios interface-builder autolayout nslayoutconstraint
UITextView with hyperlink text

With a non-editable UITextView, I would like to embed text like this in iOS9+: Just click here to register I …

swift interface-builder ios9 xcode8
IB_DESIGNABLE, IBInspectable -- Interface builder does not update

I have the following set of code: CustomView.h #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> IB_DESIGNABLE @interface CustomView : UIView @…

ios interface-builder ibdesignable ibinspectable