Top "Interface-builder" questions

Interface Builder is a visual design tool used to create user interfaces for Apple's macOS and iOS platforms.

iOS - UIBarButtonItem Identifier - option to create "settings" cogwheel button

I want to create a UIBarButtonItem to represent the app's settings (cogwheel). Presently I can only find an option to …

ios xcode interface-builder uibarbuttonitem
Make font grow together with UILabel (resized by Auto Layout) - how to do it in Interface Builder?

In a simple iPhone app I display a letter tile (custom UIView with an image and 2 labels) by the following …

ios interface-builder uilabel sizetofit
Swift proper way to load xib file

I have some strange problem with loading xib file in swift project. It's so frustrating because I already know how …

ios swift interface-builder xib
Does an IBOutlet needs to be a property & synthesized?

In most examples I see the following setup of IBOutlets: (Example A) FooController.h: @interface FooController : UIViewController { UILabel *fooLabel; } @property (…

iphone interface-builder
Does anyone know what the new Exit icon is used for when editing storyboards using Xcode 4.5?

Right-clicking the Exit icon yields an empty window. Can't Ctrl-drag a connection to any IB elements or corresponding source files. …

interface-builder ios6 uistoryboard uistoryboardsegue xcode4.5
How do you shrink a UIPickerView on the iPhone?

I would like to reduce the height of a UIPickerView in my iPhone app, so that it shows only one …

ios interface-builder uipickerview picker
How to create an IBInspectable of type enum

enum is not an Interface Builder defined runtime attribute. The following does not show in Interface Builder's Attributes Inspector: enum …

ios xcode swift interface-builder
Unknown class in Interface Builder file

I created a fairly simple iPhone app. Then figured I'd create an iPad version (Universal) of the app. Tried using …

iphone xcode interface-builder class-reference
Unable to connect IBOutlet from storyboard to UIView subclass

I am able to right-click and drag from my custom UIView subclass file to the storyboard elements to connect them, …

ios swift xcode interface-builder xcode-storyboard
How to set default values for IBInspectable in Objective-C?

I know default values of IBInspectable-properties can be set as: @IBInspectable var propertyName:propertyType = defaultValue in Swift. But how do …

objective-c xcode swift interface-builder ibinspectable