Top "Uisplitviewcontroller" questions


UISplitViewController in portrait on iPhone shows detail VC instead of master

I am using a Universal Storyboard in Xcode 6, targeting iOS 7 and above. I've implemented a UISplitViewController which is now natively …

ios interface-builder ios8 uisplitviewcontroller master-detail
UITableViewCell Set selected initially

Hi there I have situation where in an iPad app my master controller has list and details controller have its …

ios uitableview uisplitviewcontroller
SplitView like Facebook app on iPhone

I want to create an iPhone app that uses a navigation scene similar to the one pictured in the link …

iphone objective-c uinavigationcontroller uisplitviewcontroller tableview
UISplitViewController in a TabBar ( UITabBarController )?

I am in kind of situation that I need to start with a tab based application and in that I …

ipad uitabbarcontroller iphone-sdk-3.2 uisplitviewcontroller uipopovercontroller
Adding swipe gesture recognizer to DetailViewContoller

I have simple xcode project just made from "Master-Detail Application" template, for iPad. When device is in Portrait orientation, master …

ios objective-c ipad uisplitviewcontroller
Change the width of Master in UISplitViewController

The iPad programming guide says that the splitView's left pane is fixed to 320 points. But 320 pixels for my master view …

ios uisplitviewcontroller ipad
UISplitViewController programmatically without nib/xib

I usually create my projects without IB-stuff. The first thing I do is to strip off all references to xibs, …

objective-c ipad uisplitviewcontroller
Dismissing iPad UIPopoverController when BarButtonItem is pushed while it's open

Using a split view on the iPad, I have the following code: - (void) splitViewController:(UISplitViewController *)svc willHideViewController:(UIViewController *)aViewController …

ipad user-interface uisplitviewcontroller uipopovercontroller dismiss
How to hide & unhide Master View Controller in SplitView Controller

I have created a new split view based project in my XCode 4.2 Then in DetailViewController.m file i have add …

iphone ipad ios5 customization uisplitviewcontroller
How to hide master view in UiSplitviewcontroller in ipad

Is there is any way to hide the master view in a splitviewcontroller programmatically. In my application the first screen …

ipad uisplitviewcontroller