Top "Xcode9-beta" questions

'Xcode 9 - Beta' is the beta release of Xcode Tool.

The use of Swift 3 @objc inference in Swift 4 mode is deprecated?

Briefly, while using Xcode 9 Beta, I have run into the following warning: The use of Swift 3 @objc inference in Swift 4 …

swift swift4 xcode9-beta
Main Thread Checker: UI API called on a background thread: -[UIApplication applicationState]

I am using google maps in Xcode 9 beta, iOS 11. I am getting an error outputted to the log as follows: …

swift google-maps xcode9-beta
Use the increased navigation-bar title in iOS 11

iOS 11 Beta 1 uses the increased navigation-bar title for almost all system-apps (it started doing this in iOS 10 and the Music …

ios iphone uinavigationbar xcode9-beta ios11
Xcode 9 - "Fixed Width Constraints May Cause Clipping" and Other Localization Warnings

I downloaded the new Xcode and in Interface Builder I'm having a ton of problems with warnings that say things …

ios localization interface-builder xcode9-beta
How to quit or close single simulator from opened multiple simulator in Xcode 9?

I run multiple simulator and I need to close one of them. How can i do this? Because I tried …

ios xcode9-beta xcode9
"This function declaration is not a prototype" warning in Xcode 9

When using Xcode 9, there are some compiler warnings saying This function declaration is not a prototype. It suggests to add …

ios objective-c xcode ios11 xcode9-beta
xCode 9 - iOS 11: NSURLConnection - sendAsynchronousRequest fails

I just downloaded the latest version of xCode (9.0 beta (9M136h)). However, when I try to make a request to …

ios11 xcode9-beta
How can we use Assets Catalog Color Sets?

I usually use custom UIColors on iOS using extensions with Swift, but now with iOS 11/ Xcode 9 we can create Colors …

swift uicolor asset-catalog ios11 xcode9-beta
navigation bar rightbaritem image-button bug iOS 11

This code works ok in ios10. i get my label and an image button which is the user photo profile, …

ios swift ios11 xcode9-beta swift4
Illegal Configuration: Compiling IB documents for earlier than iOS 7 is no longer supported

I recently updated to XCode 9. When I build the app it says "illegal configuration" for some storyboards in my pod …

storyboard xcode9-beta