Top "Infragistics" questions

Infragistics is a company that specializes in User Interface (UI) controls and components for many different technologies and platforms like .NET, ASP.

GIF Animation not working in Windows Form

I have 2 WinForms Form2 uses Infragistics ultraTabControl. On Tab Changing im Showing Form1. In Form1 I have a PictureBox assigned …

c# winforms infragistics picturebox
Checkbox column in Infragistics win ultragrid

Am a newbie to Infragistics. On my winforms app, am using Ultrawingrid to display data from database. How do I …

winforms infragistics ultrawingrid
Infragistics UltraGrid: how to remove default selection of first row

I have put an UltraGrid on a WinForms user control. I have tweaked some settings so I can use the …

.net winforms infragistics ultrawingrid
Infragistics Ultragrid - Combobox as column

I have a problem with the UltraGrid control from Infragistics. I have created a ultracombobox with a few values in …

c# infragistics ultrawingrid ultracombo
Which event raise on cell value change in Infragistics UltraGrid?

I am using Infragistics UltraGrid in a Windows Forms application. I need an event which is raised on cell value …

c# winforms infragistics ultrawingrid
Infragistics license exceptions when MSBuild-ing

When running the MSBuild scripts for a project, I'm getting the following errors: Properties\licenses.licx(1): error LC0004: Exception occurred …

exception msbuild infragistics
How to sort an UltraGrid by multiple columns programmatically?

Say we have an UltraGrid. How can I sort it programmatically first by column A, then B, then C. Thanks!

c# .net infragistics ultrawingrid
Enabling and disabling of columns in Infragistics UltraGrid

I have an Infragistics grid and I want to disable and enable some columns based upon some requirement. I have …

c# infragistics
UltraWinGrid: How to refresh displayed data

i am new to infragistics and to winGrids I have SQL database with the following table Costumers [ID][Name] In …

c# winforms infragistics ultrawingrid
Add dependency property to control

I am using the Infragistics XamDateTimeEditor control and I want to add a dependency property to it to allow the …

wpf dependency-properties infragistics