Top "Infragistics" questions

Infragistics is a company that specializes in User Interface (UI) controls and components for many different technologies and platforms like .NET, ASP.

Infragistics components on build server

I have "inherited" a new (old?) Winforms project and would like to put it onto our build server (Bamboo). That …

licensing build-automation infragistics emptylicenseslicx licenseslicx
Set ultragrid row selected after creating a new row

I have an ultragrid with lots of rows, new rows are added to the end, I want that when a …

c# .net winforms infragistics ultrawingrid
How can I change the background color of the Infragistics' UltraGrid filter row?

Currently this is what it looks like: I'd like to change that blue color, but I don't know what property …

c# winforms infragistics ultrawingrid
Infragistics UltraGrid: How to force a CellUpdate event after user selects from drop down

Infragistics UltraGrid: Column has a drop down with auto-complete. How can I force a CellUpdate when the user selects an …

c# infragistics ultrawingrid
Add button + text in Infragistics ultragrid column

I am using Infragistics 2013 version. I have a requirement wherein I have to add a button along with a text …

winforms infragistics ultrawingrid wingrid
How can 'Group By' on a ultrawingrid column?

On the control appears a feature saying 'Drag a column header to gorup by that column'. Can i do that …

c# infragistics
WPF ObservableCollection<T> vs BindingList<T>

In my WPF app I have a XamDataGrid. The grid is bound to an ObservableCollection. I need to allow users …

c# wpf data-binding observablecollection infragistics
How to refresh an Infragistics UltraGrid?

I am using Infragistics UltraGrid with datasouce Windows Bindingsouce. On change, I provide datasouce to Bindingsouce and call DataBinding of …

infragistics ultrawingrid
HowTo: Highlight the selected node in a UltraTree

I have a UltraTree control which selects a page to display in a UltraTabControl. I am catching an event and …

c# infragistics ultratree
How to change column's header caption on Infragistics XamDataGrid

It seems a bit trivial, but I have a XamDataGrid in my WPF app that I'd like to set its …

wpf infragistics xamdatagrid