Top "Infragistics" questions

Infragistics is a company that specializes in User Interface (UI) controls and components for many different technologies and platforms like .NET, ASP.

How to add columns to Infragistics UltraGrid without using designer

I struggled with the Infragistics UltraGrid designer in Visual Studio 2015 because it keeps throwing errors when I tried to add …

c# infragistics ultrawingrid
Infragistics UltraWinGrid Delete Confirmation

By default the ultraWinGrid pops up a delete confirmation box for any row deletions. How do I turn that feature …

.net infragistics ultrawingrid
Infragistics WinGrid: How to make a CheckBox column initially checked

I have an Infragistics WinGrid (UltraGrid, UltraWinGrid, whatever...) with an unbound column. It has Style = Checkbox and DataType = System.Boolean. …

c# checkbox infragistics ultrawingrid wingrid
.Net 4.0 app slower on 64 bit than 32 bit (Profiling and possible solutions) (app is using NetAdvantage)

We have got .NET app written in VB .NET 4.0 / VS2010, compiled with all projects set to the AnyCPU setting for …

.net performance 64-bit 32bit-64bit infragistics
How can I show a summary in the footer of a win grid and not have the Sigma show up in the header?

I'm using an Infragistics UltraWinGrid and would like to be able to display the sum of several columns. I got …

sum infragistics ultrawingrid
Viewing Time using the Infragistics UltraDateTimeEditor for WinForms

By default the UltraDateTimeEditor displays just the date. What setting do I change to display/set the time in addition …

c# winforms infragistics
How to remove focus from the Infragistics ultragrid cell when clicking outside?

I have an infragistics ultragrid control in a windows form. There is an 'Add New' button outside to insert new …

winforms infragistics ultrawingrid
Is there a way to filter UltraGrids based on the value of 2 columns?

Say I have an Infragistic UltraGrid with columns Foo and Bar. Is it possible to filter the table so that …

c# winforms infragistics ultrawingrid