Top "Infragistics" questions

Infragistics is a company that specializes in User Interface (UI) controls and components for many different technologies and platforms like .NET, ASP.

Display row count on Infragistics Ultragrid Winforms

What is the best way to display number of rows that an UltraGrid is bound to? I want to be …

infragistics ultrawingrid
Infragistics XamDataGrid WPF MVVM SelectionChanged

We are implementing a MVVM architecture in our WPF application. We want to use the Infragistics XamDataGrid but kind of …

wpf mvvm infragistics selectionchanged xamdatagrid
Infragistics license file add itself to project?

I have a solution in VB.NET .NET 2 Use Infragistics components all over the application. One day decided to add …

.net visual-studio .net-2.0 infragistics
Can't attach event handler to Context Menu Item in Style

I'm trying to modify default ContextMenu for XamNumericEditor on XamDataGrid editable cell. Here is my XAML-code: <igDP:XamDataGrid.Resources&…

wpf xaml event-handling styles infragistics
Infragistics WebDataGrid Checkbox and hidden column problems

I am trying to hide the column "Key" or [0]. I am also trying to set up check boxes in the …

c# infragistics webdatagrid
Export more than 100000 rows to Excel - Infragistics Excel exporter

I am using ultrawebgrid v11.1 with xml LoadOnDemand and paging enabled to load more than 100,000 records. I'd written BindGrid() functionality …

export-to-excel infragistics ultrawebgrid
setting Column width of XamDataGrid in XAML

I want to set the Column width of XamDataGrid in XAML. There is no Width Property available like <ip:…

wpf infragistics xamdatagrid
Hiding the header on an Infragistics Winform UltraCombo

I've gone through just about every property I can think of, but haven't found a simple way to hide the …

.net winforms controls combobox infragistics
How do I Add unbound columns to an Infragistics UltraGrid only once without throwing an exception?

With the NetVantage Windows Forms 9.1 UltraGrid, I want to add some unbound columns to do some simple calculations. The first …

infragistics ultrawingrid
Infragistics Ultragrid How can I disable a row depending on a property

I would like certain rows in an Ultragrid to be disabled depending on a boolean Sync property in the row. …

infragistics ultrawingrid