Top "Infragistics" questions

Infragistics is a company that specializes in User Interface (UI) controls and components for many different technologies and platforms like .NET, ASP.

Infragistics WebDataGrid get value from a selected row by column name: to C# conversion

I'm in the process of converting a website with codebehind in VB.NET to C#. The only real problem I'm …

c# infragistics
Ultrawingrid - Select row based on unique value

Is there a way to select a row in an ultrawingrid based on the value of one of its columns (…

c# infragistics ultrawingrid
Converting WPF to Web

My application is built into WPF using Infragistics control(xaml). I wanted to port the existing app into Web but … wpf xaml infragistics
DevExpress vs infragistics Suites - looking to possibly switch

We are currently an Infragistics NetAdvantage Select customer and have been for a few years. Their controls are ok but …

controls devexpress infragistics
FindControl in Infragistics webDataGrid

I have ig:TemplateDataField that contains label. In InitializeRow event handler I try to find that label with e.Row.…

infragistics webdatagrid
Telerik vs Infragistics vs DevX? WPF 3rd party controls. (Grid)

I have used Telerik WPF Rad controls v10, they are good. But didn't used it's RadGrid. And also I haven't …

wpf-controls devexpress telerik-grid infragistics
How to change a cells content in UltraGrid

I'm trying to change the value of a sibling cell(day) if the value in the amount cell is updated. …

c# .net infragistics ultrawingrid
What does "Child list for field ... cannot be created" mean?

My C# coded application uses an Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGrid to display some data. The data is basically a collection …

c# infragistics
Which event is raised on check change of checkbox in Infragistics UltraGrid?

I am using an Infragistics UltraGrid in a WinForms application. Which event is raised on "check change" of checkbox in …

c# winforms infragistics ultrawingrid
How do I make pressing the Enter key cause focus to move to the cell below like Excel's default behavior?

I am using an Infragistics UltraWinGrid v9.1. I want to allow the user to enter numerical data in a cell, …

infragistics ultrawingrid onkeypress