Say we have an UltraGrid. How can I sort it programmatically first by column A, then B, then C.
Documentation here:
You can just set the sort indicator (order is important), code taken from above link:
UltraGridBand band = this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands[0];
// Sort the rows by Country and City fields. Notice the order in which these columns
// are set. We want to sort by Country and then sort by City and in order to do that
// we have to set the SortIndicator property in the right order.
band.Columns["Country"].SortIndicator = SortIndicator.Ascending;
band.Columns["City"].SortIndicator = SortIndicator.Ascending;
// You can also sort (as well as group rows by) columns by using SortedColumns
// property off the band.
band.SortedColumns.Add( "ContactName", false, false );
More information on the second method can be found here: