Top "Google-play-services" questions

With Google Play services, your Android app can take advantage of the latest, Google-powered features such as Maps, Google+, and more, with automatic platform updates distributed as an APK through the Google Play store.

Restrict Places Autocomplete API to cities of specific country android

I am using PlaceAutocompleteApi from Play Services, what I want to do is restrict auto-complete to specific country & city …

android google-play-services google-places-api
Didn't find class ""

I am using Maven to build my android project. In my Android project pom.xml, I have defined the dependency …

android maven google-play google-play-services google-advertising-id
authenticating into Google Play Game Services on android results in error when signing in with Google Apps account

While authenticating into Google+ I experienced an "unknown error" message when signing in with a google apps account. I have …

android google-play-services google-play-games
Google Play Services - Sign in - Client ID debug vs release

After properly implementing Google Play Services in my first game now it is time for the second. I'm stuck on …

android eclipse google-play-services google-play-games
Is it mandatory to upload aab(Android App Bundle) instead of APK file

In the recent try for uploading a new version of apk for existing application to PlayStore, threw an warning message …

android cordova google-play-services android-app-bundle cordova-android
You need to use a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant) with this activity after adding google-play-services

In application I'm currently developing (it's my first android application) I use android-maven-plugin and maven-android-sdk-deployer. Application had been working great (…

android google-play-services android-appcompat android-maven-plugin
How to detect eye blink using Google vision API in android ?

i'm using the vision API for face detection, now i want to implement eye blink but still vision api detect …

android google-play-services google-vision android-vision
Error: more than one library with package name

When I try to run the command ionic cordova build android out error as title above. Then I try to …

android google-play-services ionic3
Google Play services resources were not found. 'AdsMob'

I am getting this error when I try to load and InterstitialAd from google AdMob. I know that I have …

android admob google-play-services preferenceactivity interstitial
Android "Not_Market_Managed" error

Working on trying out the market licensing service, and I'm running into a few problems with the sample application. When …

android google-play-services android-lvl