Top "Google-play-services" questions

With Google Play services, your Android app can take advantage of the latest, Google-powered features such as Maps, Google+, and more, with automatic platform updates distributed as an APK through the Google Play store.


I am getting the error "SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE" on my GoogleCloudMessaging.register() call on a Android 2.2 device. I am writing …

android android-2.2-froyo google-cloud-messaging google-play-services service-not-available
Android app is crashing due to V/GoogleSignatureVerifier: Signature not valid

I have an android app in which I am using Google Maps API for Android v2. It was working fine …

android google-play-services google-maps-android-api-2
SERVICE_VERSION_UPDATE_REQUIRED and Google play service out of date while integrating Google Plus in android

I have integrated Google Plus in Android App.I am using Android SDK version 4.2.2. But I got this error while …

android google-plus google-play-services posting
Utilize both Play Services and AdMob SDK

As MH. pointed out in this question, one no longer needs to include GoogleAdMobAdsSdk-x.x.x.jar in their Android …

android admob google-play-services
Google Play services: How to handle devices that do not have Google Play?

Google Play services is an Android library whose goal is to provide: OAuth 2.0 authentication Google+ sign-in Google+ +1 button various other …

android cyanogenmod google-play-services lock-in
Google Sign-In requestIdToken returns null

I forked this google sample project and ran the android signin. I set up the options in the google developers …

android google-play-services google-signin
Preview size for barcode scanner from vision api

I'm using the barcode-reader example from Google's Android Vision API. The preview size doesn't seem to fill up the whole …

java android google-play-services google-vision android-vision
Is google-services.json safe from hackers?

If a hacker decompiled my APK would he be able to see my API keys from this file? I am …

android encryption google-play-services risk-analysis