With Google Play services, your Android app can take advantage of the latest, Google-powered features such as Maps, Google+, and more, with automatic platform updates distributed as an APK through the Google Play store.
This is my first time to deal with In-App Billing in android 1) I am using API v3 2) I have upload …
android in-app-purchase google-play google-play-services in-app-billingI'm using ACRA (arca.ch) to generate automatic error reports. I just released a new version of my app using …
android google-maps google-maps-android-api-2 google-play-servicesI have recently update play services using dependencies compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:7.5.0' My app icon launcher is …
android google-play-services drawable mipmapsI've integrated Google Sign-In in my application. I can get user's Email and DisplayName. Now, I want to get user's …
android google-play-services google-plus google-signinHey I am trying to use Google Maps on my emulator even though I've installed Google Play Services library when …
android google-play-services google-maps-api-2 android-mapsI need to add login with google plus button to my app. I followed google's documentation in this Link. But …
android google-plus google-play-services google-loginIt makes a lot of sense that Android ad SDKs will use Android's the new advertiser id. It seems that …
android uniqueidentifier google-play-services adsI have checkout out the latest Google Vision APIs from here: https://github.com/googlesamples/android-vision And I am running …
android camera google-play-services google-vision android-visionthis is how I register my app to receive location updates: mLocationRequest = LocationRequest.create(); mLocationRequest.setInterval(Consts.ONE_MINUTE * 10); mLocationRequest.…
android gps google-play-services android-location location-servicesIn my app where I use firebase, firebase-ui, google maps, among others, it worked perfectly. I want to update to …
java android firebase google-play-services firebaseui