Top "Google-play-services" questions

With Google Play services, your Android app can take advantage of the latest, Google-powered features such as Maps, Google+, and more, with automatic platform updates distributed as an APK through the Google Play store.

Android GoogleMap or SupportMapFragment - null pointer exception

In my app i showing google map version2 in a fragment. but i get Null pointer exception at mMap = ((SupportMapFragment) …

android android-maps android-maps-v2 google-play-services supportmapfragment
Using Google Play Services LocationClient in background service

My app is designed to track user's location periodically and send it to server, Recently I changed my code with …

android location android-service google-play-services
Missing api_key/current key with Google Services 3.0.0 and Maps API key in build.gradle

my issue is quite similar to Missing api_key/current key with Google Services 3.0.0 but with a further level of …

android google-maps android-gradle-plugin google-play-services
MapFragment in ScrollView

I have one of the new MapFragments in a ScrollView. Actually it's a SupportMapFragment, but anyway. It works, but there …

android google-maps android-mapview google-play-services
Android: Google Maps location with low battery usage

My app is currently using Maps by Google Play Services speficying: mMap.setMyLocationEnabled(true); I realize each time I am …

android google-maps google-play-services google-maps-android-api-2 location-services
Failed to find provider info for

I have integrated an app with Google+ platform as well as a Google+ button so far. Things seem to be …

android google-plus google-play-services
Google Play Services source code

I'm looking for the source code for Google Play Services. Can someone please point me in the right direction? I've …

android google-play-services
Failed to sign in. Please check your network connection and try again

I am trying to make simple game with Google Play Games Services, but I failed to sign in to Google …

java android google-play google-play-services google-play-games
HOWTO create GoogleCredential by using Service Account JSON

I am using the Java SDK for Android Publisher v2 and Oauth2 v2. Once I created the service account I …

android google-play-services in-app-billing subscription google-api-java-client
error: package does not exist - After migrating to Gradle

I have a problem with an old project which was developed in IntelliJ without Gradle. I wanted to migrate it …

android android-gradle-plugin google-play-services android-build