Top "Android-maps" questions

The Google Maps external library (part of the Google APIs Add-On) lets you add powerful mapping capabilities to your Android application.

Google Maps Android API v2 Authorization failure

My steps: got SHA1 code from debug.keystore create app in google apis console enabled google map api v2 input …

android google-maps android-maps google-maps-android-api-2
How do I show a marker in Maps launched by geo URI Intent?

I have a application where I want to show different locations (one at the time, picked by user input) by …

android google-maps android-intent android-maps
Using Google Places API

I want to develop an application in which i want to display information about places nearby (within 1km )the user …

android android-layout android-maps
Finding nearest locations using Google Maps API

Hi I'm writing an app that shows the bike stations near an address. I have the list of latitude and …

google-maps-api-3 android-maps
MapView in a Fragment (Honeycomb)

now that the final SDK is out with google apis - what is the best way to create a Fragment …

android google-maps android-fragments android-maps android-3.0-honeycomb
MapView inside a ScrollView?

I would like to have a MapView inside a ScrollView, however when I try to scroll the map, the ScrollView …

android google-maps android-maps
Google map for android my location custom button

How can I change google map my location default button? I set my location enable and map draw standard image …

android google-maps-android-api-2 android-maps-v2 android-maps
How to center the camera so that marker is at the bottom of screen? (Google map api V2 Android)

When a marker is clicked, the default behavior for the camera is to center it on screen, but because I …

android google-maps android-maps
Google Maps API v2: LatLngBounds from CameraPosition

Is there a simple way to get the LatLngBounds of the visible map from a CameraPosition with Android Google Maps …

android google-maps android-maps