Android licensing verification library
I know this topic has been opened multiple times and I learnt a lot but I stumbled across a problem …
android android-lvlI saw the stock Android-Developer licensing library instructions, but the overview seems to omit several key steps in the process …
java android licensing android-lvlUsing you can check if your app is licensed or not. There is a callback, applicationError() …
android google-play android-lvlI have just imported an android project and when I am trying to run it it is giving me error …
android android-lvlI am creating an application in Android. I want that once my application is installed on one device, user should …
android android-lvl copy-protectionHow do I get (or view) an Android app base 64 public key? I have the license file, and I have …
android android-lvlI have an apk file, that is non-free My questions is the following: 1, If Copy Protection is set to "true" …
android copy-protection android-lvlI tried licensing sample. It said "application error=3". I found the sheet of licensing response codes at, …
android android-lvlI would like to publish paid application to android market, so I added android LVL into my apk. I have …
android android-lvlI currently use a combination of LVL and Proguard as a first line of defence against piracy. However, what about …
android obfuscation proguard android-resources android-lvl