Top "Interstitial" questions

Full screen advertisements for Android and iOS applications.

Admob interstitial ad won't display

I used to display AdMob banner on my future apps, and I'd like to give a try to the interstitial …

android admob interstitial
How to integrate admob interstitial in Unity?

I am looking to integrate admob interstitial in Unity, i did it for banner but unable to find final solution …

unity3d admob ads interstitial
Is there any examples of how to implement full-screen advertisement for android?

Is there any examples of how to implement full-screen advertisement for android using AdMob? I have researched and found these …

android admob ads interstitial
Android Interstitial ads add test device?

You can easily add test devices with banner ads so you don't get banned by accidentally clicking on them. However …

android ads interstitial
Admob interstitial ads - Cannot present interstitial. It is not ready

Is this code correct to implement an interstitial ad? Because when I launch it I get this, <Google> …

ios admob ads interstitial
iAds interstitial adverts on iPhone?

My developer and I had previously tried to get interstitial adverts loading on iPhone and iPad, however only managed to …

iphone ipad iad interstitial
How To preload AdMob interstitial ad and send to another android activity using intent

I need some help regarding AdMob interstitial ad. I want to preload the interstitial ad in one activity. this is …

android android-intent admob interstitial
How to show interstitial Ad before launching new activity after click a button?

I use option menu button to go to second activity. When user click on that menu button interstitial Ad show …

android admob interstitial
Rewarded Video Ad in Admob - Mediation not Working

From my Admob, I have setup the mediation for Flurry and Vungle. When I request an Ad I am always …

android admob flurry interstitial vungle-ads