How To preload AdMob interstitial ad and send to another android activity using intent

ali abbas picture ali abbas · Nov 10, 2014 · Viewed 11k times · Source

I need some help regarding AdMob interstitial ad.

I want to preload the interstitial ad in one activity. this is straight forward.

// Create an ad.
        interstitialAd = new InterstitialAd(this);

        AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder()

        // Load the interstitial ad.

Now I want to send the interstitial Ad to another activity using intent. I don't know how to send it using

intent.putExtra("myAd", interstitialAd);

Thanks in advance.


Tim picture Tim · Nov 10, 2014

Interstitial ads are not meant or built to be passed around like that using intents' extras.

It's better to

  • recreate & reload an ad in the next activity
  • make an extra public class that holds the interstitial ad, put it there in activity A and retrieve it from there in activity B

Example for 2nd case (semi pseudo code):

public class AdManager {
    // Static fields are shared between all instances.
    static InterstitialAd ad;
    private Context ctx;

    public AdManager(Context ctx) {
        this.ctx = ctx;

    public void createAd() {
        // Create an ad.
        ad = new InterstitialAd(ctx);

        final AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder()

        // Load the interstitial ad.

    public InterstitialAd getAd() {
        return ad;


Activity A

AdManager adManager = new AdManager();

Activity B

AdManager adManager = new AdManager();
InterstitialAd ad = adManager.getAd();
if (ad.isLoaded()) {;