Top "Mopub" questions

MoPub is a hosted ad serving solution built specifically for mobile publishers

Embedding ads on Android app?

I would like to make a free version of the Android app I have, but would like to embed ad …

android mobile-phones ads mobile-application mopub
Implementing native ads in android using Admob? is it possible?

I'm trying to implement native ads in my android application. But I want to do it using admob only. I …

android admob native ads mopub
How do I check where my app is using IDFA

While submitting my app to the App Store, I got this message: "Your app is using the Advertising Identifier (IDFA). …

ios xcode facebook mopub idfa
Error "Application windows are expected to have a root view controller" (iOS)

I've created a blank iPhone app project and would like to show a full-screen advertisement during app launch. I tried …

ios objective-c xcode loadview mopub
how to add mopub ads library integration with android studio

I am trying to add the MoPub SDK to my application. I try to import and add the library in …

android android-studio ads mopub