Top "Loadview" questions

viewDidLoad(), LoadView()

What is the difference between viewDidLoad() and LoadView()? In what way are they different from each other? Which one is …

iphone objective-c viewdidload loadview
loadView: functions in UIView iOS

I don't understand the mechanism of loadView: function (this function is in UIView). I created a project as below: First, …

ios objective-c uiview uiviewcontroller loadview
Error "Application windows are expected to have a root view controller" (iOS)

I've created a blank iPhone app project and would like to show a full-screen advertisement during app launch. I tried …

ios objective-c xcode loadview mopub
How to reload a view controller when back from another view using tab bar

I have a common view used when the user opens the app (VC1). With a tab bar controller, I load …

ios swift uiviewcontroller uitabbarcontroller loadview
Loading view before Data is loaded into Recycler view

I want to display a Loading view i.e., an indeterminate Progress bar until I load my recycler view with …

android firebase android-recyclerview loadview
Force viewDidLoad to fire on iOS

I have two window app and while I present first window I would like the view in second window to …

ios iphone viewdidload loadview
How write a new file in codeigniter?

First I want to load a view file into a variable, then I need to create a new file by …

php codeigniter file-io loadview
Determine the correct size in loadView

How to consistently determine the correct size to layout your view in loadView? I have different cases where a UIViewController …

ios cocoa-touch uiviewcontroller loadview
Replacing a UIViewController root view with my own view

I'm trying to replace a UIViewController root view with a subclassed UIView. In the iPhone SDK's UIViewController Class Reference, within …

iphone objective-c uiviewcontroller loadview
Is it ok to call [super loadView]?

I thought that I should never call [super loadView] but something is confusing me. In description of loadView (UIViewController Class …

ios uiviewcontroller loadview