Top "Flip-flop" questions

Flip-flops (FFs) are electronic devices with two stable states.

What does "Illegal reference to net error" mean?

I wrote this code for a T Flipflop. The output is toggled at every 11th clk. The program is giving …

verilog flip-flop
Difference between Synchronous and Asynchronous reset in Flip Flops

always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset ) begin //Asynchrous FF end always @(posedge clk) begin if (reset) // Synchronous FF end What …

verilog flip-flop
2 Bit Counter using JK Flip Flop in Verilog

I'm writing verilog code of 2 Bit Counter using JK Flip Flop that counts 0-3 and back to 0. I'm using Xilinx …

counter verilog flip-flop
Testbench for T Flip Flop using D Flip Flop in VHDL

I have VHDL codes that of a D Flip Flop, and a T Flip Flop that uses it structurally: it …

vhdl flip-flop object-test-bench
Difference between D Latch Schematic and D Flip Flop Schematic

I heard that the main difference between latch and flip flops is that latches are asynchronous while flip flops are …

computer-science hardware hdl flip-flop circuit-diagram
VHDL Define a signal when undefined

So, I've been working on some VHDL homework and I'm having some trouble with my testbench. Basically, my testbench is …

vhdl flip-flop
T-flip flop in Verilog

I want to build a T-flip flop in Verilog. So far I have written the following code, but I wish …

verilog flip-flop
D Flip flop using JK flip flop and JK flipflop using SR flip flop

Hi was trying to write Both structural and Test bench code for D-flip flop using JK flip flop as well …

verilog flip-flop iverilog