Top "Fabricjs" questions


How to select Fabric.js object programmatically

I want to programmatically select Fabrics.js object. What do I have to do? For example, I am adding two …

javascript canvas fabricjs
Fabric.js changes my canvas size to 300x150 after initialization

HTML: <div class="canvas-wrapper"> <canvas id="myCanvas"></canvas> </div> CSS .canvas-wrapper { width: 900…

javascript canvas fabricjs
Fabric.js - how to save canvas on server with custom attributes

I'd like to be able to save the current canvas' state to a server-side database, probably as a JSON string, …

database json savechanges fabricjs
Layering canvas objects in Fabric.js

Is there a way to layer objects on a Fabric.js canvas via the official API? Right now the only …

javascript sorting fabricjs layer
Let user delete a selected fabric js object

I have a simple fabric js based application where I will let users add shapes connect them and animate them. …

javascript html canvas fabricjs
Need to change the canvas background color while using fabric js

I've a canvas element and I create fabric object out of that. Now, I want to change the background color …

javascript html5-canvas fabricjs
Fabric.js: how to deselect one or multiple objects on canvas?

For example, I have multiple objects on a canvas, A,*B* and C. Three of these objects are selected as …

javascript canvas fabricjs
Reset canvas and reload with JSON in Fabric.js

I'm building something like the kitchensink example except I need to be able to have multiple views.…

canvas html5-canvas fabricjs
Fabric.js - Free draw a rectangle

I have the following which doesn't work correctly: var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('canvas'); canvas.observe('mouse:down', function(e) { …

javascript draw html5-canvas fabricjs
Delete multiple Objects at once on a fabric.js canvas in html5

I'm actually working on a html5 canvas project which uses the fabric.js Framework for the canvas interactions. Now I'm …

javascript html canvas fabricjs