Top "Savechanges" questions


Fabric.js - how to save canvas on server with custom attributes

I'd like to be able to save the current canvas' state to a server-side database, probably as a JSON string, …

database json savechanges fabricjs
Using TransactionScope with Entity Framework 6

What I can't understand is if its possible to make changes to the context and get the changes in the …

c# entity-framework-6 dbcontext transactionscope savechanges
When should I call SaveChanges() when creating 1000's of Entity Framework objects? (like during an import)

I am running an import that will have 1000's of records on each run. Just looking for some confirmation on …

entity-framework import loops performance savechanges
How to rollback a transaction in Entity Framework

string[] usersToAdd = new string[] { "asd", "asdert", "gasdff6" }; using (Entities context = new Entities()) { foreach (string user in usersToAdd) { context.AddToUsers(new …

c# entity-framework transactions rollback savechanges
Is it possible to save changes in Firebug locally?

What I'm trying to do is to save the changes I make to CSS and HTML on different sites with …

html css firebug savechanges
Entity Framework won't SaveChanges on new entity with two-level relationship

I'm building an ASP.NET MVC site using the ADO.NET Entity Framework. I have an entity model that includes …

entity-framework savechanges
Find an element by id and replace its contents with php

I want to use PHP to search through the contents of a file for an element with a specific id, …

php html preg-replace replace savechanges
Is it possible to query Entity Framework before calling DbContext.SaveChanges?

In this simple example, I have two entities: Event and Address. I have a console application running every night to …

c# entity-framework entity-framework-5 dbcontext savechanges
Unable to save Entity Framework Inherited types

I have implemented some table-per-type inheritance in my data model (basically have a BaseEntity type with all the base information …

.net entity-framework inheritance savechanges table-per-type