Delete multiple Objects at once on a fabric.js canvas in html5

John Mayer picture John Mayer · Aug 6, 2012 · Viewed 28.7k times · Source

I'm actually working on a html5 canvas project which uses the fabric.js Framework for the canvas interactions. Now I'm struggeling with the deletion of multiple objects. The following code does not seem to track the selected objects, but tracks all objects on the canvas.

var deleteSelectedObject = document.getElementById('delete-item');
deleteSelectedObject.onclick = function(){
    var curSelectedObjects = new Array();
    curSelectedObjects = canvas.getObjects(canvas.getActiveGroup);
    for (var i = 0; i < curSelectedObjects.length; i++){

Don't get my failure.


John Mayer picture John Mayer · Aug 7, 2012

Due to @Kangax comment which solved most of the problem, I found the following solution to delete the currently selected objects from the canvas.

var deleteSelectedObject = document.getElementById('delete-item');
deleteSelectedObject.onclick = function()
      canvas.getActiveGroup().forEachObject(function(o){ canvas.remove(o) });
    } else {

The function checks whether a group is selected. If a group is selected every object of the group gets removed. If no group is selected the function tries to remove a selected object. If nothing is selected, the canvas is not changed.