Top "Fabricjs" questions


How to get the canvas-relative position of an object that is in a group?

Normally an object's position relative to the canvas can be gotten from it's .left and .top attributes, but these become …

javascript fabricjs
How can I set up Fabric.js?

I just started looking into using fabric.js, and I'm finding very little resources on how to install it in …

html canvas javascript fabricjs
How to make objects in canvas unselectable?

I want to make all object in canvas unselectable. I've found selectable method but i didn't find the way to …

javascript canvas fabricjs
Undo Redo for Fabric.js

I'm trying to add undo/redo functionality to my Fabric.js canvas. My idea is to have a counter which …

javascript arrays fabricjs
Drawing a dashed line with fabric.js

I'd like to draw a dashed line using fabric.js. I've found Issue #603 on github that should implement this feature. …

javascript canvas fabricjs
Disable group selection in Fabric.js

How to disable group selection in Fabric.js and leave single objects selectable one at a time? With group selection …

javascript fabricjs
Fabric JS - send Objects to Back

When you select an object (in my example a polygon), it gets automatically moved to the Front. I'm searching for …

javascript frontend fabricjs
Adding grid over Fabric.js canvas

I just started using Fabric.js (I have to say, I'm impressed). I want to add a grid over the …

javascript jquery html fabricjs
FabricJS Catch click on object inside group

I have tried many thing like calculating location, handling with the event we do have in original fabricjs. Does any …

onclick fabricjs
How to change the image of the fabric.Image object attribute src?

How can I change the image of the fabric.Image object attribute src, if I have already made an animation?
