Top "Fabricjs" questions


FabricJS double click on objects

I am trying to perform a special action whenever the user double clicks any object located inside the canvas. I …

Make Fabric.js object draggable but not "selectable"

Fabric.js has this really cool aspect where it allows, by default, all objects to be "selectable", which means they …

javascript fabricjs
FabricJS scale image to fit width / size

How do i scale image to fit the container size correctly? I want a grid of two images and each …

canvas html5-canvas fabricjs
Snap edges of objects to each other and prevent overlap

My goal is to prevent overlapping of two or more rectangles inside my FabricJS canvas. Imagine two rectangles having info …

javascript html canvas fabricjs
How to deactivate all objects in Fabric.js

How to deactivate all objects in Fabric.js before saving an image? function rasterize() { if (!myscript.Canvas.supports('toDataURL')) { alert(…

javascript canvas fabricjs
fabric.js canvas listen for keyboard events?

In my fabric application, I'm currently listening for certain key presses such as the delete key, and deleting any selected …

fabricjs keyboard-events
Fabric.js - problem with drawing multiple images zindex

I'm using this script: var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('game_canvas', { selection: false }); fabric.Image.fromURL('images/bg.jpg', function(…

html html5-canvas drawimage fabricjs
How to implement canvas panning with Fabric.js

I have a Fabric.js canvas and I want to implement the full-canvas panning that software packages usually do with …

javascript canvas fabricjs panning
Find the coordinates of the corners of a rotated object in fabricjs

Suppose I have an image in a fabricjs canvas. I can easily calculate the coordinates of the corners based on …

javascript canvas fabricjs
How to use / include fabricjs in Angular2

I want use fabricjs in my project. I installed fabricjs using bower and linked in index.html. but it is …

javascript angular typescript fabricjs