Microsoft DirectCompute is an application programming interface (API) that supports general-purpose computing on graphics processing units on Microsoft's Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.
So far the only tutorials I've been able to find are on, which are essentially inferred from …
c++ directx directx-11 directcomputeI'm looking for comparisons between OpenCL and DirectCompute, but I haven't found anything. OpenCL's advantages of being cross-platform and having …
opencl directcomputeBefore I go into details I want outline the problem: I use RWStructuredBuffers to store the output of my compute …
hlsl directx-11 vertex-shader compute-shader directcomputeI am just beginning to learn DirectX programming, using F# and SharpDX as .NET wrapper. As a test case I …
directx hlsl compute-shader directcompute