Top "Datasource" questions

Datasource is a name given to the connection set up to a database from a server.

Data binding directly to a store query (DbSet, DbQuery, DbSqlQuery) is not supported Entity Framework 5

I have a devexpress GridControl for which I am setting it's datasource like so: var regs = (from vcap in context.…

devexpress entity-framework-5 datasource
SpEL @ConditionalOnProperty string property empty or nulll

I am currently having trouble with my dataSource bean creation on condition of String property from my applications.yaml file. …

java spring spring-boot datasource spring-el
How do I properly close a HikariCP Connection Pool

I'm using HikariDataSource to connect to a MariaDB database. The following class returns a Connection. public class DataSource { private HikariDataSource …

java datasource connection-pooling hikaricp
ASPxGridView -- How to simply add example values with only a DataSource property?

Hello I have a ASPxGridView. In it(for the uninformed) is only a DataSource property for telling it what data …

c# datasource devexpress aspxgridview
SQLite (latest) in Visual Studio 2012 not showing in Designer Data Source

I am using the latest version, (sqlite-netFx40-setup-bundle-x86-2010-, and am using the released version of Visual Studio 2012 …

sqlite visual-studio-2012 datasource designer
List as DataSource for DataList

All Types implement IEnumerable interface could be used for a DataSource of a DataList. For example List. But what we …

datasource datalist
Bootstrap typeahead data-source attribute

I´m just trying to do a simple Bootstrap typeahead plugin example in an HTML5 project. I´m trying to …

html twitter-bootstrap datasource typeahead
Logging HikariCP Spring boot

i set my properties in my application.yml spring.datasource.hikari.connection-timeout: 30000 spring.datasource.hikari.maximum-pool-size: 10 spring.datasource.hikari.idle-timeout: 600000 …

spring-boot logging properties datasource hikaricp
Angular material table with data source: pagination and filter is not working

I have the following angular material table with data source property: <div class="dim"> <mat-form-field > <…

angular pagination datasource angular6 angular-material-6
"WFLYCTL0412: Required services that are not installed:" => ["jboss.jdbc-driver.mysql"]

I am trying to add a mysql datasource to my wildfly(Jboss15.0.0) server. But I encounter the following error: WFLYCTL0013: …

jboss wildfly datasource mysql-connector