Top "Datasource" questions

Datasource is a name given to the connection set up to a database from a server.

Netbeans Project: Resolve Data Source Problems

In Netbeans 7.1.1. I have a Java project for a web application that I deploy on Tomcat 7. The project is migrated …

netbeans jdbc datasource netbeans-7 netbeans-7.1
Mysql is not appearing in "Choose Data Source" for Visual studio 2017

As you can see i've already installed the necessary mysql packages such as Mysql for Visual studio and Connector/NET …

c# mysql datasource ado visual-studio-2017
How do I close a java.sql.DataSource

We have a system where data is partitioned by date. So, for example, in SqlServer we have one database per …

java datasource c3p0
Exception when creating datasource with PostgreSQL driver in Spring Boot

I'm trying to create a non-web application using Spring Boot following a MKyong's example, but I got the following error: . ____ _ __ _ _ /\\ / ___…

java maven spring-boot datasource
SQL Server Reporting Services Datasource keeps losing database login credentials

In my development environment, every time I reboot windows (which must be done at least daily for me), all of …

reporting-services datasource reportingservices-2005
Validating cells in DevExpress GridControl

Just a simple question I can't manage myself. I have a DevExpress GridControl for Winforms (12.2) filled with some numeric values, …

validation devexpress datasource gridcontrol
Multiple data source and schema creation in Spring Boot

I'm using Spring Boot. I finally managed to setup two data sources, but now I'm facing another issue. with two …

spring hibernate jpa datasource spring-boot
HikariPool-1 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 30000ms for very tiny load server

I have a small Java application for testing purposes. I have moved to hikari recently. What I notice is that …

java spring datasource hikaricp dbcp
Spring Boot 2.0.0 , DataSourceBuilder not found in autoconfigure jar

We are upgrading our existing Spring Boot (1.5) application to 2.0.0. We connect with multiple databases and use the org.springframework.boot.…

java spring-boot datasource spring2.x spring-autoconfiguration
New method added in javax.sql.CommonDataSource in 1.7

Trying to compile my app against java 1.7 I found what there was a new method added in javax.sql.CommonDataSource (…

java datasource