Datasource is a name given to the connection set up to a database from a server.
I get the following error trying to start my Spring application ERROR 5908 --- [ main] com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig : HikariPool-1 - …
java spring spring-boot datasource hikaricpI want to obtain a JdbcTemplate in my Java code. I've already got a working java.sql.Connection. To create …
java spring connection datasource jdbctemplateI'm building an application using spring boot and need to connect to Oracle DB via service, not sid. These are …
java database spring-boot datasource application.propertiesI'm trying to keep my view controllers clean as described in this article Issue #1 Lighter View Controllers. I …
ios objective-c uitableview swift datasourceI am trying to port an application from WebLogic to JBoss EAP 6.2. When running the standalone server in JBoss, in …
datasource jboss-eap-6I have defined a datasource for JBoss AS 7.4, with min/max pool sizes, tracing of idle connections etc. I am …
jakarta-ee jboss jboss7.x datasource wildflyI'm setting up a failover cluster on MySQL, in a master/slave architecture. I'm also configuring my JBoss Datasource, and …
mysql jdbc orm database-connection datasourceI have Kendo grid as empty. Then I add one row, entering values and call saveRow() method. This will call …
kendo-ui grid datasource databoundI am using my class "Invoice" as a Data Source. But after adding more properties to it, Visual Studio refuses …
c# visual-studio visual-studio-2010 datasource objectdatasourceI've been getting this exception in my code and wondered if anyone could help me out. I have a Repeater … data-binding datasource exception naming-containers