Top "Datasource" questions

Datasource is a name given to the connection set up to a database from a server.

Getting "ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied" when trying to create a data source in Tomcat 6

Been pulling my hair trying to set up a data source in in Tomcat for an application. The steps I've …

oracle tomcat servlets datasource ora-01017
Easy way to start a standalone JNDI server (and register some resources)

For testing purposes, I'm looking for a simple way to start a standalone JNDI server, and bind my javax.sql.…

java datasource jndi
What are the WCF Service Reference .datasource files?

What are the .datasource files that are automatically generated by "Create Service Reference" in Visual Studio? The comment in the …

wcf file datasource service-reference
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool DataSourceFactory

I'm investigating moving away from an Oracle connection pool and using the Tomcat connection pool. I followed the myriad of …

tomcat datasource tomcat6 jndi connection-pooling
IllegalArgumentException: 'dataSource' or 'jdbcTemplate' is required when extending JdbcUserDetailsManager

I´m pretty new to Spring, and I´m currently struggling with an exception being thrown when I´m attempting …

java spring spring-security datasource
Using encoded password for the datasource used in spring applicationContext.xml

I want to keep encoded password in my below mentioned springApplicationContext.xml Is there any way to achieve this? presently …

spring hibernate datasource apache-commons-dbcp password-encryption
attempt to reconnect jdbc pool datasource after database restarts

I have a web-app with a Java back-end that uses Tomcat jdbc-pool for database connections. This works fine. However I …

java tomcat datasource jdbc-pool
How to configure datasource in wildfly 10?

I am starting introduction with wildfly learning. I have downloaded distribution of server. Now I am trying to configure datasource …

java xml postgresql datasource wildfly
Wildfly 10 can't connect datasource: invalid connection

Problem I'm trying test my connection and it keeps giving me the same error while at first sight I can't …

java jakarta-ee jdbc datasource wildfly
What's the difference between nonXADatasource with jta="true" and XADataSource?

I was confused by the fact that we can allow to use JTA transactions with a non-XA-datasource. Link to the …

java jboss datasource jta xa