Top "Designer" questions

a visualized UI creating tool (commonly windows forms creators)

How do I enable phpMyAdmin's Designer view?

I am running phpMyAdmin locally and I am trying to enable the Designer tool. How do you enable designer view …

php phpmyadmin designer
Designer.cs not updating when new controls added to .aspx

I've added a new control to my aspx files and noticed that not only was the new control not added …

c# designer
Visual Studio 2010 Designer Error on Run

I am using using VS2010 and if I have a form open in designer mode and run my application the …

winforms visual-studio-2010 user-controls designer
<Subtype>Designer</Subtype> Added then removed by Visual Studio on load/unload

Anyone see this before? I have a large Visual Studio project that keeps adding [Subtype]Designer[/Subtype] to my .vcproj …

visual-studio designer csproj subtype
How to represent Unicode character in VB.Net String literal?

I know you can put Unicode character codes in a VB.Net string like this: str = Chr(&H0030) & "… string unicode designer
VS2010 "An item with the same key has already been added"

I recently installed Visual Studio 2010 and copied and converted an old VS2005 solution to VS2010 When I edit this solution, …

visual-studio image visual-studio-2010 icons designer
What approaches are available to dummy design-time data in WPF?

I am working without expression blend and just using the XAML editor in vs2010. The wisdom of this aside, I …

wpf data-binding xaml designer design-time
Visual Studio 2013 SQL Query and View Designer not appearing

Not sure why the Query and View Designer is not appearing as per…

sql designer visual-studio-2013
Visual studio shows endless messages "Code generation for property 'valueMember' failed."

After several days of happily hacking away on this C# app using Visual Studio 2008, I get struck by a barrage …

c# visual-studio designer
Android UI Design tool

I am looking for a UI designer tool for android. I have tried many sites, but cannot find anything useful. …

android designer ui-design