Top "Designer" questions

a visualized UI creating tool (commonly windows forms creators)

What happened to my TableAdapter's Update and Delete commands?

I am fighting a recalcitrant VS2008 DataSet designer, it seems. I have been trying to do what seems to be …

visual-studio-2008 dataset designer tableadapter
How can I add item data to QComboBox from Qt Designer/.ui file

I'm using Qt Designer (well, Qt Creator actually, but specifically the part derived from Qt Designer), and I've added a …

qt designer qt-designer qcombobox
Why does QT designer re-size or not allow me to shrink or expand widgets or buttons?

Often times while using QT designer I find myself needing to re-size things either by shrinking or expanding them. Whenever …

qt resize designer
How do I stop my ViewModel code from running in the designer?

I'm developing a networked WPF application with the MVVM pattern and it seems that it's running and connecting to servers …

wpf mvvm designer
Fix embedded resources for a generic UserControl

During a refactoring, I added a generic type parameter to MyControl, a class derived from UserControl. So my class is …

c# .net winforms generics designer
SQLite (latest) in Visual Studio 2012 not showing in Designer Data Source

I am using the latest version, (sqlite-netFx40-setup-bundle-x86-2010-, and am using the released version of Visual Studio 2012 …

sqlite visual-studio-2012 datasource designer
Making the Visual Studio designer ignore a public property

I have a UserControl with a public property using the following attributes: [Browsable(false)] [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] I have tried …

c# visual-studio serialization designer browsable
How to provide custom code for InitializeComponent?

When you modify column headers of a ListView at design time, the designer generates code to serialize column headers at …

c# winforms user-controls designer initializecomponent
ASP.NET auto-generate aspx.designer.cs turn off?

As I'm working on a project, I'm confronted with the foobar.aspx.designer.cs that auto generates …

c# designer auto-generate
Usercontrols that inherit from abstract class

I've got a usercontrol that inherits from an abstract class. Basically looks like this. class SimpleSlideView : View { } public abstract class …

c# abstract-class designer windows-forms-designer