Fix embedded resources for a generic UserControl

Wim Coenen picture Wim Coenen · Oct 26, 2009 · Viewed 10.6k times · Source

During a refactoring, I added a generic type parameter to MyControl, a class derived from UserControl. So my class is now MyControl<T>.

Now I get an error at runtime stating that the embedded resource file MyControl`1.resources cannot be found. A quick look with .NET Reflector shows that the resource file is actually called MyControl.resources, without the `1.

At the start of the MyControl<T>.InitializeComponent method there is this line which is probably the one causing problems:

 System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager resources =
    new System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(

How do I force the ComponentResourceManager to use the embedded resource file MyControl.resources? Other ways to resolve this issue are also welcome.


Wim Coenen picture Wim Coenen · Oct 26, 2009

Turns out you can override the resource filename to load by inheriting from ComponentResourceManager like this:

   using System;
   using System.ComponentModel;

   internal class CustomComponentResourceManager : ComponentResourceManager
      public CustomComponentResourceManager(Type type, string resourceName)
         : base(type)
         this.BaseNameField = resourceName;

Now I can make sure that the resource manager loads MyControl.resources like this:

 System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager resources =
    new CustomComponentResourceManager(typeof(MyControl<>), "MyControl");

This seems to work.

edit: the above line is overwritten if you use the designer, because it is in the generated code region. I avoid the designer and make use of version control tools to revert any unwanted changes, but the solution is not ideal.