Top "Qcombobox" questions

QComboBox is a Qt class that implements a standard combo-box, which is a list of elements that can contract to occupy less screen space, and expand to show all of the options.

How can I get the selected VALUE out of a QCombobox?

In Qt, I can get the selected text of a QComboBox by using the combobox->currentText() method. How can …

qt qcombobox
How do you get the current text contents of a QComboBox?

Using pyqt4 and python 2.6, I am using a qcombobox to provide a list of options. I am having problems with …

python pyqt pyqt4 python-2.6 qcombobox
QComboBox - set selected item based on the item's data

What would be the best way of selecting an item in a QT combo box out of a predefined list …

c++ qt user-interface combobox qcombobox
How do I set the background color of a widget like combobox or double spin box?

I am trying to set the background color for a double spin box, and I am not sure what function …

qt qcombobox qspinbox
How to add items to a combobox in PyQt

I need some help adding some items to a QComboBox. So I have two comboboxes, and one populates the other …

python pyqt pyqt5 pyqt4 qcombobox
PyQt: How to set Combobox to Item knowing Item's text (a title)

Is it possible to set Combobox to an item knowing an Item's text value. I am trying to avoid looping …

python pyqt pyqt5 pyqt4 qcombobox
Qt Using Custom QItemDelegate for QTableView

I followed the Spin Box Delegate tutorial, which Qt provides, to try to implement my own QItemDelegate. It would be …

c++ qt qtableview qcombobox qitemdelegate
Set selected item for QComboBox

I have a simple QComboBox widget, which has 2 values inside: True and False. And I have a QString variable currValue, …

qt qcombobox
Getting all items of QComboBox - PyQt4 (Python)

I have A LOT of QComboBoxes, and at a certain point, I need to fetch every item of a particular …

python get pyqt4 qcombobox
How do I set the QComboBox width to fit the largest item?

I have a QComboBox that I fill with QString using: comboBox->addItem(someString); When I start my GUI application …

c++ user-interface qt qcombobox